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Online Sitemap Generator

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Examples #

Try a few example inputs:
  • [TRY] Generate a sitemap for with parameters: Change frequency set to Daily, Priority set to Dynamic and Last modification set to Automatic.

See Also #

Description #

Online Sitemap Generator is used to create XML sitemap for a given website. Fundamental parameters of the generation process can be customized by the user. The format of created sitemaps is described on One of the protocol's specifics is that each website subdomain should have its own sitemap, which is why Online Sitemap Generator includes only links within the subdomain of the starting URL.

A sitemap is a file that describes a list of pages that the website owner wants search engines to crawl and index. Besides a raw list of files it may contain various hints, called metadata, that may help search engines to better index web pages. Sitemap is especially needed if a web contains files that are to be indexed but are not linked from any of the page that is reachable from the main website's page. Without a sitemap such files could not be found easily by search engines.

A sitemap should contain all files that are to be crawled and indexed. This includes various documents in PDF, DOC, CHM, or other formats if their owner wants them to be analyzed. Sitemaps usually do not contain all the website's images, Javascript files, CSS files etc. but in some cases there might be a good reason to include some of these files too. This is up on every webmaster to decide and this is why it is recommended to generate a basic sitemap automatically using Online Sitemap Generator and then to review its contents and possibly manually add or remove some of its entries.

Before you try to generate a sitemap with Online Sitemap Generator, we recommend you to check it for broken links with our Online Website Link Checker.

Online Sitemap Generator naturally respects Robots Exclusion Protocol.

Usage #

Start with filling in the URL field, which can point to any URL of your choice, but it is recommended to start with the site's main page. In case your site operates with multiple subdomains, run the tool separately for every subdomain.

The Change frequency field defines one of the hints for search engines to be used with every link in the sitemap (the <changefreq> tag). It informs engines about how frequently the page is expected to be changed. If the value is set to "None", this optional attribute will not be included in the generated sitemap.

The Priority field defines importance of each link (the <priority> tag). If you select "None", it will not be used. If you use the "Dynamic" value, our engine will automatically count a priority for every link in the sitemap depending on the number of internal references within the analyzed website. Alternatively, you can set a fixed priority value, same for all links in the sitemap. Please note that setting the same priority to all pages will have no effect on crawlers because the priority of a URL is an evaluation of its relative importance compared to other web pages on your website. If you want to assign priorities later manually the recommended values are:

  • 0.8-1.0: homepage, subdomains and most important articles;
  • 0.4-0.7: articles, blog posts or categories;
  • 0.0-0.3: old news, archives or any outdated information.

The Last modification parameter defines whether or not to include information about the time and date of the last change of links in the sitemap (the <lastmod> tag). Select "None" not to include this information. Select "Automatic" to include the timestamp for all pages for which the web server by itself returns this information. Or, select the "Fixed" value and enter the timestamp of your choice into the "Timestamp" field. In this case, all links will share the same value. Most common date/time formats are supported (including timezone) – e.g. "2013-10-30 12:33:44 +0200" is a valid timestamp value.

The Excluded extensions part of the input form allows you to choose which file extensions should be excluded from the sitemap. To make it easier to use, we have predefined several standard groups of extensions that you might be interested to exclude. Additionally, you can add your own list of extensions in the Other field. A comma-separated list of extensions is expected in this field.

Removed parameters is a comma-separated list of query string parameters that should be excluded from the links before they are put into the sitemap. This is especially handy in case of various session identifier parameters, which could generate many different links for a single web page if they are not removed. This is also why the predefined value of the Removed parameters field is set to the list of most common session identifier parameters. You should, however, edit its value in case you know that your website is using different or additional parameters for these or similar purposes.

Finally, click the "Generate!" button and wait for the result. If there are no errors, you can now download your new sitemap. Online Sitemap Generator allows you to download your sitemap in both XML and GZipped XML format. Both formats can be used according to the protocol. You can also quickly review the generated sitemap within the XML Sitemap content box that is displayed after the sitemap is generated.

Limits #

Websites may contain a very large amount of webpages, therefore Online Sitemap Generator visits only up to 1000 web pages.

Other Limits #

Sitemap Generator is restricted to run at most 45 minutes. Tool execution is terminated after the period elapses.